Kristen Schulz, DPT, CSCS

Kristen is a Physical Therapist, Strength Coach, and Running Coach.

She specializes in treating the injured runner but enjoys helping anyone at any age or ability get BACK TO DOING whatever they LOVE doing.

She is certified in dry needling and Graston. She provides manual therapy (hands on treatments) to her patients while equipping them with the strengthening and knowledge needed to slowly progress them back to their desired activity or goal.

In addition to holding her Doctorate in Physical Therapy, Kristen is also a Certified Sports and Conditioning Specialist, and completed a Sports Certification with EIM.

Kristen attended Northern Michigan University where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science and Spanish and Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions where she obtained her Doctorate of Physical Therapy. She ran collegiately at the D2 level in cross country and track and field and has continued her love for running to this day. In her free time Kristen enjoys running, hiking, traveling, and coaching other runners. She is currently in pursuit of some non-active hobbies and will take any and all suggestions.