Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain restricts the lives of millions of Americans; up to 70% of adults experience shoulder pain at some point. At Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, in Downtown Washington, DC, the team of physical therapy professionals offers individualized shoulder therapy plans to reduce pain and improve shoulder function. To learn how you can return to normal without resorting to surgery, call the office or click on the provided link now.

What causes shoulder pain?

Some of the many reasons for shoulder pain are:

Rotator cuff tears

Rotator cuff tears occur within the rotator cuff, the ring of muscles and tendons that keeps your shoulder joint in its proper place. Tears are one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. 

Adhesive capsulitis

Adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder, happens when the capsule around your shoulder joint thickens and tightens. This leads to stiffness and pain. 

Shoulder instability

Shoulder instability develops when the ball part of the shoulder joint moves out of the socket (dislocation) and you need medical care to restore its position. 

The most common dislocation is anterior dislocation in the front of the shoulder. Backward (posterior) dislocation occurs rarely. In multidirectional instability, the shoulder can move out of position in any direction.

Labral tears

Labral tears occur in the labrum, the cartilage around the shoulder socket. This type of tear often happens with shoulder instability. It can cause pain and a catching sensation when you move your shoulder.

Separated shoulder

A separated shoulder occurs when the clavicle (collarbone) and acromion (end of the shoulder blade) separate partly or completely. This injury can cause severe shoulder pain. 

Shoulder tendonitis

Shoulder tendonitis refers to inflammation within the tendons in your rotator cuff. This can happen with rotator cuff issues and may be quite painful.

Shoulder impingement

Shoulder impingement occurs when the rotator cuff tendons are pinched at the top of the shoulder. The shoulder pain may be especially severe when you move your arm away from your body or raise it overhead.

There are many other possible shoulder pain triggers as well, such as arthritis, bone spurs, and spinal cord injury. Regardless of its cause, shoulder pain is always difficult.

What should I do if I have shoulder pain?

Reach out to Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation to arrange an evaluation as soon as possible. The team can diagnose the reason for your shoulder pain and create a recovery plan for you.

How is shoulder pain treated?

The Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation team uses a range of non-medication and noninvasive techniques to treat shoulder pain and prompt recovery. Examples include: 

Your treatment approach includes a customized selection of innovative techniques along with education about recovery and injury prevention. 

If you’re suffering from shoulder pain, physical therapy and rehab can help. Call Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, or book an appointment online today.