
Posted June 2024 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

Running shoes aren't one-size-fits-all. Many (and I mean many) studies have tested shoes in the hopes of finding one that improves running mechanics or prevents injury. To ensure you're lacing up in the right pair, let's dive into the essential tips for selecting shoes to support your running journey.

Posted May 2024 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

Most of us, at one point or another, have suffered through an over-exuberant exercise instructor shouting things like: “belly button to spine!”, “brace your abs!” and “tighten your core!” So, what actually is “the core?” 

Posted Apr. 2024 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

Falls affect a surprising number of people! One in 3 adults aged 65 years or older fall each year, and 1 in 2 adults aged 80 years or older fall each year. However, just because falls are common, doesn't mean they’re normal or inevitable! 

Posted Feb. 2024 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

Most people have heard of Physical Therapy treating muscle strains, tendonitis, or back pain, and we all know that PT is a crucial part of post-operative rehabilitation, such as an ACL reconstruction or hip replacement. However, there are lots of other conditions that benefit from Physical Therapy treatment!

Posted Dec. 2023 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

If you’re an outdoor runner or field sports player, chilly winter temps are going to affect your performance (spoiler: it isn’t for the better). 

This doesn’t mean you have to pack it all in for 3 months, however, it’s important to understand how cold impacts the body and how to manage the related risks. 

Posted Nov. 2023 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

Dry needling, also referred to as Trigger Point Dry Needling (TPDN), is a technique used in Physical Therapy to release tight muscles using a very thin, filiform needle.

Posted Oct. 2023 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

Are you one for the millions of people who work from home for some, if not all, of the work week? If so, you may wonder how to set up a workspace that’s best for your body.

Posted Sept. 2023 by Kyra Corradin, PT, DPT, YTT

What do hot packs and cold packs actually do? Which is best to use and when? In this post, a physical therapist breaks it down!